Contact Information

Data requests can be submitted by sending an e-mail to
If after browsing this site you determine that you need additional climatic information, you may contact the State Climatologist by either:
  • submitting your request online here. (preferred)
  • sending an e-mail message to:
  • calling us at 814-865-8732 (when leaving a message please include the following: name, phone number or email address, request)
If you wish, you may write to:
Pennsylvania State Climatologist
503 Walker Building
University Park, PA 16802

Your data inquiries will be given priority (usually a return message within a few days) and your data requests will be filled in a timely way. Please be aware that some data requests will involve a fee to cover this office's retrieval and copy costs. If a fee is necessary, this will be stated before the request is met. If certified weather records are required, you will need to contact the National Centers for Environmental Information (more information here).