Data selection for site: PSU Southeast Ag Research and Extension Center, PA
Database: PEMN
Current Imagery:
Current Conditions: (October 7, 2024 12:10 am)
Air Temperature: 64.7°F
Relative Humidity: 80.3%
1-Hour Precipitation: 0.00"
Dew Point: 58.5°F
Wind Direction/Speed: E (100.6°) 0.2 mph
Wind Gust: 0.6 mph
Solar Radiation: -4.0 W/m^2
Soil Temp (5cm Depth): 65.0°F
Soil Moisture (5cm Depth): 8.5%
Id: LNCR01
Name: PSU Southeast Ag Research and Extension Center
County: Lancaster
State: PA
Lat: 40.117
Lon: -76.429
Elev (m): 114.0
Start_date: 2019-11-07
End_date: 2024-10-07
Height (ft): 30
Data Selection:
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