Hourly Climatology for IPT

Station IPT is located 520.0 ft above sea level in LYCOMING COUNTY, PA. At a latitude of 41.24°, and longitude of -76.92°.

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Dates are mm-dd; all times are GMT.
 Cloud Ceiling (% less than altitude)
Date and TimeTemp (°F)STDV Temp (°F)Dew Pt (°F)STDV Dew Pt (°F)Pressure (mb)STDV Pressure (mb)Wind (mph)STDV Wind (mph)10000 (ft)5000 (ft)2000 (ft)1000 (ft)500 (ft)100 (ft)
3-29 00:00:0050.1± 9.732.2± 12.3 1015.1± 8.3 8.4± 5.4453520555
3-29 01:00:0047.8± 9.734.2± 11.6 1015.6± 8.4 7.3± 4.9402515
3-29 02:00:0046.4± 10.033.3± 12.1 1015.8± 8.4 7.5± 5.7453020555
3-29 03:00:0045.2± 10.033.0± 11.1 1015.9± 8.5 7.6± 5.4554530201515
3-29 04:00:0043.6± 9.634.4± 11.6 1015.9± 8.5 6.2± 5.035251515
3-29 05:00:0042.4± 9.533.2± 11.5 1015.9± 8.5 5.9± 5.0352015155
3-29 06:00:0041.5± 9.333.3± 11.3 1015.7± 8.7 6.3± 4.83530151055
3-29 07:00:0040.8± 9.234.6± 11.5 1015.7± 8.7 6.2± 4.7403015151010
3-29 08:00:0040.3± 8.933.7± 12.4 1015.4± 8.7 6.4± 5.2403020151010
3-29 09:00:0039.8± 9.133.1± 11.3 1015.3± 8.7 6.5± 4.9454025201515
3-29 10:00:0039.3± 9.134.5± 11.5 1015.9± 8.7 6.8± 5.04535201055
3-29 11:00:0038.5± 9.233.3± 11.2 1016.1± 8.6 6.9± 5.440301555
3-29 12:00:0039.3± 9.033.0± 10.5 1016.1± 8.8 7.7± 5.545402515105
3-29 13:00:0041.3± 8.734.2± 11.2 1016.4± 8.7 8.2± 6.04540252055
3-29 14:00:0044.0± 9.234.0± 11.7 1016.1± 8.8 9.1± 4.740352015
3-29 15:00:0046.8± 10.133.2± 12.0 1016.2± 8.7 9.4± 5.14030251555
3-29 16:00:0049.7± 11.134.8± 12.9 1015.9± 8.5 9.5± 4.55540201555
3-29 17:00:0051.4± 11.834.1± 13.3 1015.5± 8.6 10.5± 4.6605535302520
3-29 18:00:0053.6± 12.933.9± 11.5 1014.9± 8.2 10.6± 4.3605025252020
3-29 19:00:0054.7± 13.934.9± 12.0 1014.4± 8.0 12.0± 4.0604020101010
3-29 20:00:0054.5± 13.633.9± 11.6 1014.3± 7.8 12.1± 4.8504020101010
3-29 21:00:0054.7± 14.133.0± 10.9 1014.4± 7.5 11.6± 4.5504525151515
3-29 22:00:0053.9± 13.834.3± 11.0 1014.3± 7.4 11.8± 4.8554025151515
3-29 23:00:0052.3± 13.034.0± 10.6 1014.8± 7.1 11.3± 4.7404025101010
Climatology was calculated using data from years 1961 to 2005.