Hourly Climatology for FKL

Station FKL is located 1540.0 ft above sea level in VENANGO COUNTY, PA. At a latitude of 41.37°, and longitude of -79.86°.

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Dates are mm-dd; all times are GMT.
 Cloud Ceiling (% less than altitude)
Date and TimeTemp (°F)STDV Temp (°F)Dew Pt (°F)STDV Dew Pt (°F)Pressure (mb)STDV Pressure (mb)Wind (mph)STDV Wind (mph)10000 (ft)5000 (ft)2000 (ft)1000 (ft)500 (ft)100 (ft)
11-25 00:00:0035.6± 12.825.6± 13.5 0.0± 0.0 8.7± 6.649342917113
11-25 01:00:0034.8± 12.425.4± 13.4 0.0± 0.0 9.3± 7.34029231493
11-25 02:00:0033.6± 12.325.4± 13.5 0.0± 0.0 8.5± 7.24031231163
11-25 03:00:0033.0± 12.325.2± 13.6 0.0± 0.0 9.0± 7.340311799
11-25 04:00:0032.0± 12.724.6± 13.5 0.0± 0.0 8.8± 7.22920141133
11-25 05:00:0031.9± 12.824.6± 13.4 0.0± 0.0 9.3± 7.7292614966
11-25 06:00:0030.9± 12.724.7± 13.9 0.0± 0.0 10.0± 7.129261463
11-25 07:00:0030.7± 12.423.9± 13.3 0.0± 0.0 8.6± 6.9292917633
11-25 08:00:0030.0± 11.624.1± 12.1 0.0± 0.0 7.7± 6.0292917633
11-25 09:00:0029.8± 11.223.6± 12.0 0.0± 0.0 8.6± 6.1232311333
11-25 10:00:0028.9± 10.723.3± 11.4 0.0± 0.0 8.0± 5.2232311663
11-25 11:00:0028.7± 9.723.7± 10.5 0.0± 0.0 7.5± 5.73129201111
11-25 12:00:0028.5± 9.223.7± 10.5 0.0± 0.0 6.9± 5.446402614143
11-25 13:00:0027.9± 9.022.8± 9.7 0.0± 0.0 7.3± 6.0342623963
11-25 14:00:0030.2± 8.823.8± 9.2 0.0± 0.0 8.4± 5.94029231463
11-25 15:00:0032.1± 9.524.4± 9.1 0.0± 0.0 8.2± 4.3463726209
11-25 16:00:0033.6± 10.024.2± 8.2 0.0± 0.0 9.7± 4.4433729173
11-25 17:00:0035.6± 10.925.3± 8.8 0.0± 0.0 8.4± 4.3514629206
11-25 18:00:0035.9± 11.923.9± 8.3 0.0± 0.0 9.4± 3.6574929209
11-25 19:00:0037.9± 12.624.0± 8.7 0.0± 0.0 10.2± 4.0666334269
11-25 20:00:0037.5± 12.524.2± 8.5 0.0± 0.0 9.7± 3.3605729146
11-25 21:00:0035.4± 11.723.1± 8.4 0.0± 0.0 9.3± 2.6605429179
11-25 22:00:0034.4± 10.823.2± 8.8 0.0± 0.0 7.7± 3.0544926993
11-25 23:00:0034.8± 11.723.0± 9.0 0.0± 0.0 7.5± 3.149463114116
Climatology was calculated using data from years 1991 to 2007.