State College, Pennsylvania

Information Concerning The Daily Weather Summaries


The data are UNOFFICIAL. There are undoubtably more errors that arose when transferring the numbers to computer. If you require official information, drop me a line at the address listed on the home page.

I.The minimum cold-season snowfall should be 17.6" which fell in 1918-1919. In fact, the least snowy season was 1888-89 when 16.7" of snow fell!

II.A coding error has caused erroneous monthly snow totals to appear in months, and some seasons, following months (seasons) that recorded a trace of snow. The erroneous total will be reported as a trace when in fact no snow has fallen. Be advised that no snow has been reported in the months of June, July, August or September EXCEPT for June 1902 and September 1899. This error was corrected for 1996 and later years.

We'll keep you posted if other problems arise!

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